Do you work on the letter r in articulation therapy…

Reflux: Helpful Information for the Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapist – Part 2
Reflux in infants can have lasting impacts on development. In Part 1 of this podcast Haden Boliek, Speech Therapist, and Kjirsti Myles, Physical Therapist, discussed common causes of reflux seen in clinical practice, as well as more uncommon, often difficult to detect symptoms of reflux. Now that you have identified signs and symptoms of reflux, what do you do next? In Part 2 of this podcast series on reflux, Haden and Kjirsti explore therapeutic tips and tricks for managing mild reflux, and they discuss when to refer back to the pediatrician for a medical management of reflux in severe cases.
Reflux: Helpful Information for the Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapist – Part 2