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Urgent Versus Important: Prioritizing Tasks to Get More Accomplished – Part 2

“Time is On My Side” was the first Top Ten hit in the U.S. by The Rolling Stones. While the line makes a cool lyric, the reality is that for most of us, time IS NOT on our side. It often seems our To-Do list is jam packed (if it even exists at all) with more that we can possibly get ever get done in a week – and that’s just today’s list! In this podcast, Haden and Kjirsti are joined by Dr. Jeff Burkhardt, a Counselor, to share a conversation they recently had about a task prioritizing hack using a simple grid (included in the show notes). It may just help you focus on the most important things and ignore the urgent time-stealing demands that try to force their way into your daily schedule.

Simple Organization Plan

Urgent Versus Important: Prioritizing Tasks to Get More Accomplished
1. Urgent Versus Important: Prioritizing Tasks to Get More Accomplished – Part 1
2. Urgent Versus Important: Prioritizing Tasks to Get More Accomplished – Part 2
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